Saturday, February 12, 2005

Press coverage and book projects...

Good week for press coverage. My book, The IT Career Builder's Toolkit (Cisco Press) has been covered in the Washington Post (print only), the NY Post (print only), IT World, and the Dallas Morning News.

I was informed the Penn State University has picked it up in some of the IT related classes and hit has been recommended as required reading for the IST (Information Science & Technology) program. Several other colleges are considering it as well. Here's to crossing our fingers and keeping watch.

On Tuesday I sent out 8 query letters on anoter book project. It is a book on healthy parental perspectives on ADHD. Check out

Today I hope to meet up with a photographer for the images to If Mom Were President, the poem and children's book.

These projects, along with 3 new titles that Cisco Press would like to see me write, are taking an inordinate amount of mental energy. I am trying to remain patient and put my writing career in perspective. I love what has occurred so far but am high-strung and impatient.

I am still determining what I will do with this blog. It is going to be freeform ideas and op-ed type postings. Currently, my time and effort is consumed with book projects and consulting.

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