Quick Updates

Some quick notes of explanation. I want to put prior post in perspective and provide the most basic updates here.

As of February 13, 2010 (edit 7/25/2015):

Several past post refer to Laura and I and our marriage. We were divorced in 2008. I prefer to keep them in tact for continuity. Divorce is, in the end, horrible for families. Financially and emotionally devastating and I, for one, will never say it was "for the best." It is what has happened.. period.

In December of 2009, I remarried and a short time later divorced. Two marriages, two divorces.

I am now fond of saying, "I suck at marriage but I'm great at divorce!"

This, I am sure, will factor into my odd musings from time to time, as will the rest of my family & friends. I try to be sensitive to privacy and individual hangups but I am far from perfect. Be forewarned.